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China Luoyang Flat Project


China Luoyang project is well adorned with our CAMERICH furniture. Oriental beauty paired with modern furnishings are brought together to complete this elegant 500 square meter flat, which features high marble walls like impressive Chinese ink paintings.

There are no barriers nor separations amongst the different spaces, making this flat even more open and fluid. Elan Sofa, Amor-30 Sofa, Vast Chairs, Qing High Back Chair, Element Coffee Table, Vary Coffee Table are all perfect compliments to this spectacular living space. A Unity Table lends gentle curves within the square rooms, while the six orange Ballet Chairs add warmth to the dining space.

The bedroom allow for natural light to be reflected on the walls and the ceiling. The Crescent Bed, Pixel Cabinet, Stilts Cabinet, and Venus Chair, all bring modern style elements to the luxurious bedrooms.

It’s all about designing for life first and foremost, before one designs for the space.

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